Monday, September 22, 2008

Knowing when it is time to say goodbye.

How do you know when it is time to say goodbye to a part of your family? Do you let her suffer just to put your mind at ease? Do you try to hang on to every bit of time you can? Or is it better just to let go? How do you know? These are questions I have been asking myself for a few months. My beautiful sweet loving dog Brownie has not been doing well. She is 12 years old. But she is such a good dog. She listens so well, never has bitten any of the girls, never got on my bed or furniture. You could leave the gate open and she would not leave the yard. I could take her on car trips and she would sit in her seat just like a kid. I could take her on walks with out a lead, she wouldn't run off. I could leave her all day in the house and come home late and there would be no messes on my floor. She would listen to commands like Sit, Speak, Lay Down and preform for you. She would let you know if someone would come to the house before they would ring the door bell. She would greet people politely never jumping on them. She loved to play fetch and chase. She could catch popcorn like crazy. She hated water and would not go outside if it was raining with out you going with her. She loved to be petted on and would just let you rub her head till the hair fell out if you would. She is a great companion. When the girls were babies and they would cry she would get very upset if I didn't take care of them right away. She would lay in the girls room with them while they slept keeping watch over them. Is it fair of me wanting to hang on to these things and not let go? I was raised in a house that a pet is family. You love them like they are part of your life. So when is it time to say goodbye? A dog can't tell you how much pain they are in. They can't say "Hey I don't feel well." These are things that you have to determine. So this week I will be taking Brownie to the vet to see just how much longer I can hang on to my loving sweet Brownie.


|s|h|a|r|o|n| said...

Aww. I'm sorry to hear that, Renee. Pets can truly become a part of the family, and they dig their hold on you so deep and so tight, you truly feel lost when they're gone, but that only shows your level of compassion and empathy, which makes you a remarkable person, indeed. Your family, 2 and 4 legged alike, will be in my prayers.

Susie said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's awful to lose a part of your family.